Dienstag, 6. August 2013

After Crew I made a total break with art department because I worked on different departments to learn about their needs... I grow up a little bit more and started again..

2010 - Crew - short // post-production // set constructor

Crew was my first movie with set construction and bigger logistics. Due to the fact we were shooting a film set. Some sets were used after they wrapped (Make-up for example). They worked...

2010 - What remains - short // production design

This was my first movie as production designer. I learned much about the responsibility on set. Most of it was on location shooting without much work in building sets. Small steps at first...

2009 - Sin Reaper 3D // property master, set constructor, SFX

Due to copyright I won't release any stills out of the movie. It was a great experience and my first step into the art department. The movie got released in Japan and the USA.

before 2009

While I was in school I worked at a small musical theatre where I helped building the stage set. I did 2 1/2 productions before I left because I had to finish school. 

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