Samstag, 31. August 2013

2013 August - The Last Show - Cinematic Music Video // Production Design

2013 August - The Last Show - Cinematic Music Video // Production Design

1980s, somewhere in the middle west... After a long break the Clowns of a small town reunite for one last show. But one thing is different: They are angry!
After just a few month I returned to the Filmakademie BW for the next project. Same director and same cinematographer as the last time. But after a story based in the space far away in the future, we're now in the USA 30 years ago. A great crew, splatter, a great location, splatter, clowns with weapons, splatter, more than 100 people on set and last but not least: more splatter.
We spend our time in a club near stuttgart. It has a big backyard which was an ideal base for our shooting.

I'll tell you more about the different locations as soon I have pictures of every one of them.
First a few first pics of our shooting, enjoy:

great assistants:
Domagoj Brkic (Set constructor)
Iris Schilhab (Setdresser)
Toini Ruh (lead(wo)man)

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