Sonntag, 15. September 2013

2013 July - Verantwortung - Social Spot // Production Design, Director, Producer

2013 July - Verantwortung - Social Spot // Production Design, Director, Producer

Right after the end of the Dark Matter Project I  had to produce my final movie on my academy. I only had 12 days left to finish the shootings, so the post-production has time to finish the rest of the movie.
The story is short: A guy wants to check-in a hotel. He walks through a corridor when he hears the noices of many TVs in the guest rooms. It's a mix out of Casting Shows, soft porns, commercials, etc. His reaction is a loug scream of madness.
It's a short criticism of the TV-Programm especially in Germany.

First I searched for a Hotel we could shoot in. After several denials I spoke with my flat mates and I renovated our redecorated our flat corridor into a classic Hotel. I took a dark green for the lower area which looks very harmonious. I added a stucco line to separate the green from the white part of the walls and the ceiling. On top I added some gold devices to the white walls. I dressed our bar to a reception desk by adding flyers, flowers and stuff you normally see in a hotel.

The result still satisfy me every day when I come home.

DoP: Sascha Reinhardt